Welcome to ECNT

Dear participants of ECNT 2025,

It is our pleasure to announce that the European Conference on Neurological Therapeutics (ECNT-2025) will be held in Frankfurt, Germany from 20-21 May, 2025.

We warmly welcome you to ECNT-2025.

Theme: Challenges in neurodegenerative disorders and the development of novel therapies

Neurological disorders are doubtless among the most frightening illnesses that human beings face. Therapeutic development has accelerated rapidly in the past 5 years in many neurologic and neurodegenerative diseases. ECNT will discuss the latest information on the treatment of all neurological diseases.

We hope this meeting may provide an exceptional opportunity for scientists, clinicians, young researchers, allied healthcare professionals, nurse, pharmacist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, speech pathologist, prosthetist, caregiver, medical social worker, clinical psychologist, nutritionist, clinical technologist, radiological technologist, clinical engineer, care manage, and talented individuals from around the world.

We highly appreciate your attention, and we hope to have the opportunity to welcome you in Germany.

Thanks and regards,

Organizing Committee

20-21 May 2025

Frankfurt, Germany


Johannes De Munter

CEO, Neuroplast Netherlands

Erlinda Maria Gordon, MD

Director, Gene and Cell Therapy/Immunotherapy
Sarcoma Oncology Center,

Dr. George Medvedev, MD

Division of Neurology Head
Fraser Health Authority, Canada

Dr Sergey Suchkov, MD, PhD

Professor in Medicine & Immunology,
Chair, Dept for Personalized Medicine ,
Department of Clinical Immunology
A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of
- Medicine & Dentistry (MGMSU), Russia

Friedrich Lersch MD, MSc

Senior consultant anaesthesiology
University Clinic for Anaesthesiology and
Pain Medicine Swizerland

Andrei Georgievich Moiseenok

Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Belarus


Director of the Comprehensive Epilepsy Program
Hamad Medical Corporation
Associate Pr of Neurology
Weill Cornell Medical College,

Saman H. Anvar

School of Human Kinetics and Recreation
Memorial University of Newfoundland

Alexandrina Nikova, MD

Department of neurosurgery
Asclipieio Voulas Hospital, Greece

Natasha Ivanova

Institute of Neurobiology
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Dr. Lamia MBAREK

China National Clinical Research Center-
-for Neurological Diseases
Beijing Tiantan Hospital
Capital Medical University, China

Raya khalid yousif Yashooa

College of Science Salahalddin University,

Publication Opportunities

All accepted abstracts for European Conference on Neurological Therapeutics (ECNT-2025) will be published in Health Education and Public Health Online ISSN-2631-8377) with a permanent DOI number.